ROLE: Marketing Communication Consultant
TASK: Brand Strategy, Action Plan & Comms Support
DATE: Oct 2020 -Present

I conducted a brand audit and used it as a basis to develop a strategy document the company adopted. I identified the key talent required to activate the strategy and led in crafting and producing the first major brand campaign ‘Better Than Your Bank’.

I frequently provide key strategic assessments and make inputs into product growth plans. I have also organized company-wide training sessions to carry the wider team along with new strategies.


ROLE: Marketing Communication Consultant
TASK: Developing Creative Campaigns For CSO Initiatives
DATE: July 2019 - Present

Over the past three years, I have consulted for the Center For Democratic Development on over a dozen projects. I help the team crystalize the briefs and propose strategic approaches as well as creative directions to deliver on Communication Tasks.

I also lead in the production process, identifying the right partners to collaborate with.


ROLE: Marketing Communication Consultant
TASK: Brand Strategy & Action Plan
DATE: Oct 2015 -Dec 2015

I led a team to develop a brand strategy and action plan for Yedent Ghana, a major agro-processing company the program supports. The work involved extensive research and analysis.

We presented a report which among other things provided a Brand Proposition, Communication Strategy, Creative Brief and Action Plan. The highlight of this project was after the final presentation when the CEO of Yedent came around to give a bear hug, which was atypical of him.


ROLE: Marketing Communication Consultant
TASK: Brand & Product Quality Audit Of Local Soymeal
DATE: July 2016 - June 2017

I led a team to investigate the reasons for the preference of imported soymeal by Ghanaian poultry farmers, and propose remedial actions to improve market acceptance of local soymeal.

The scope of the audit covered both the intrinsic (nutritional value) and extrinsic (packaging and branding) of local soymeal products. The outcome of the assignment provided a guide on interventions required to improve local soymeal quality to meet market needs and match imported alternatives.